Error when trying to promote DC – Failed to configure the service NETLOGON as requested “The wait operation timed out”


The following resolution steps can be taken should you receive this error.

  • Changed DNS on local network adaptor – Enter IP of another DNS server (Don’t put local IP as DNS).
  • Check entries in DNS server and remove A records of server you are trying to promote (Might have legacy records if it was a DC before).
  • Run dcpromo while Netlogon service is stopped
  • Import registry setting from working DC for netlogon
  • Rename netlogon files and restart netlogon service
  • Ensure time is correct – Compare to working DC’s
  • Stopped any services that might be using the Netlogon service
  • Uninstall DNS from the server you are trying to promote

One thought on “Error when trying to promote DC – Failed to configure the service NETLOGON as requested “The wait operation timed out”

  1. In my case it was a DNS value missing in registry at below path which was not allowing to stop netlogon services. Under DNSClient key create multistring named “SearchList” with value “your domain name”


    After creating above value in registry it allowed to stop nelogon services and installation proceed further. Procmon tool was helpful to trace this.

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